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Danh mục bài báo quốc tế đã đăng tải năm 2015

 Danh mục bài báo quốc tế đã đăng tải năm 2015


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T. Hashimoto, A.M. Krumbholz, P.von Neumann, A. Tamii, P.G. Reinhard, T. Adachi, N.T.Khai, A. Krugmann, D. Martin, H. Hatanaka, C. Iwamoto, et al.,

Dople polarization of 120Sn and nuclear energy density functionals

Physical Review C 92, 031305 (R) (2015)


A.M. Krumbholz, P.von Neumann, A. Tamii, Y. Fujita, N.T. Khai, A. Krugmann et al.,

Low-energy electric dipole respone in 120Sn

Physics Letter B 744 (2015) 7-12


N.T.Khai, L.D. Cuong, D.D. Thang, D.X. Anh et al.,

Assessment of Radiation Dose caused by Radioactive Gaseous Effluent Released from Nuclear Power Plant Ninh Thuan 1 under Scenario of Normal working Conditions

World Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology (WJNST), Vol.5, No.3 (2015)


Pham Duy Hien, Vuong Thu Bac, Nguyen Quang Long et al.,

Modeling the erosion-induced  fractionation of  soil  organic  carbon aggregates  on cultivated  hill  slopes  through  positive  matrix factorization

Soil & Tillage  Research  155  (2016)  207–215


T. V. Nhan Hao, Bui Minh Loc, and Nguyen Hoang Phuc

Low-energy nucleon-nucleus scattering within the energy density functional approach

Phys. Rev. C 92 (2015) 014605


Doan Thi Loan, Bui Minh Loc, and Dao T. Khoa

Extended Hartree-Fock study of the single-particle potential: The nuclear symmetry energy, nucleon effective mass, and folding model of the nucleon optical potential

Phys. Rev. C 92 (2015) 034304


Le Xuan Chung, Oleg A. Kiselev, Dao T. Khoa, and Peter Egelhof

Elastic proton scattering at intermediate energies as a probe of the 6,8He nuclear matter densities

Phys. Rev. C 92 (2015) 034608


C. Santamaria, C. Louchart, A. Obertelli, V. Werner3,4, P. Doornenbal2, F. Nowacki5, G. Authelet1, H. Baba2, D. Calvet1,F. Château1, A. Corsi1, A. Delbart1, J.-M. Gheller1, A. Gillibert1, T. Isobe2, V. Lapoux1, M. Matsushita6, S. Momiyama2,7, T. Motobayashi2, M. Niikura7, H. Otsu2, C. Péron1, A. Peyaud1, E. C. Pollacco1, J.-Y. Roussé1, H. Sakurai2,7, M. Sasano2, Y. Shiga2,8, S. Takeuchi2, R. Taniuchi2,7, T. Uesaka2, H. Wang2, K. Yoneda2, F. Browne9, L. X. Chung10, Zs. Dombradi11, S. Franchoo12, F. Giacoppo13, A. Gottardo12, K. Hadynska-Klek13, Z. Korkulu11, S. Koyama2,7, Y. Kubota2,6, J. Lee14, M. Lettmann3, R. Lozeva5, K. Matsui2,7, T. Miyazaki2,7, S. Nishimura2, L. Olivier12, S. Ota6, Z. Patel15, N. Pietralla3, E. Sahin13,C. Shand15, P.-A. Söderström2, I. Stefan12, D. Steppenbeck6, T. Sumikama16, D. Suzuki12, Zs. Vajta11, J. Wu2,17, and Z. Xu

Extension of the N=40 Island of Inversion towards N=50: Spectroscopy of 66Cr, 70,72Fe

Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, (2015) 192501


Le Khanh Phon, Bui Dac Dung, Nguyen Dinh Chau, Tibor Kovacs, Nguyen Van Nam, Duong Van Hao, Nguyen Thai Son & Vu Thi Minh Luan

Estimation of effective dose rates caused by radon and thoron for inhabitants living in rare earth field in northwestern Vietnam (Lai Chau province)

Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry. Volume 306, Number 1, October 2015, pp 309-316, DOI 10.1007/s10967-014-3881-8

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