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Danh mục công trình công bố quốc tế năm 2023

List of scientific papers published in international journals 2023

1. S Chen,…, L.X. Chung et al., Level structures of 56,58Ca cast doubt on a doubly magic 60Ca, Physics Letters B 843 (2023) 138025. (ISI, Q1)

2. Z Elekes,…, L.X. Chung et al., Southwestern boundary of the island of inversion: First study of low-lying bound excited states in 59V and 61V, Physical Review C. (ISI, Q1)

3. M Enciu,…, L.X. Chung et al., Extended p3/2 Neutron Orbital and The N=32 Shell Closure in 52Ca, Physical Review Letters 129 (2022) 262501. (ISI, Q1)

4. Nguyen Thi Hien, Nguyen Van Do, Guinyun Kim, Haladhara Naik, Pham Duc Khue, Measurement of neutron capture cross sections for the 174Yb(n,γ)175Yb reaction at thermal and epithermal energies, Radiation Physics and Chemistry 205 (2023) 110738. (ISI, Q2)

5. Nguyen Thanh Luan, Phan Quoc Vuong, Nguyen Duc Ton, H.J. Kim, “Pulse shape analysis of LiI:Tl crystal scintillators”, Optical Materials 140 (2023), 113874. (ISI, Q2)

6. Nguyen Duy Quang, Amos V. Ntarisa, Sudipta Saha, N. Wantana, Y. Tariwong, Nguyen Duc Ton, S. Kothan, J. Kaewkhao, H.J. Kim, Effects of alkali ions on luminescence and scintillation performance of Ce3+ doped phosphate glasses for radiation detection, Ceramics International 49 (2023) 28711. (ISI, Q1)

7. Nguyen Duy Quang,…, Nguyen Duc Ton et al., Measuring and unfolding fast neutron spectra using solution-grown trans-stilbene scintillation detector, Nuclear Engineering and Technology 55 (2023) 1021. (ISI, Q2)

8. Nguyen Huu Tiep, Kyung-Doo Kim, Hae-Yong Jeong, Nguyen Ngoc Anh, Nguyen Xuan Mung, Application of data assimilation in searching better lattice-physics parameters of fuel assembly, Nuclear Engineering and Design, 411, 112415, Sep 2023. (ISI, Q1)

9. JeoHyeon Eom, GiYoung Tak, InSik Ra, Huu Tiep Nguyen, HaeYong J., Evaluation of jet breakup length with a CFD code under steam generation condition in a pre-flooded cavity, Nuclear Engineering and Technology, 55, 7, p. 2498-2503 6, Jul 2023. (ISI, Q2)

10. Nguyen Xuan-Mung, Ngoc Phi Nguyen, Dinh Ba Pham, Nhu-Ngoc Dao, Huu Tiep Nguyen, Thanh Ha Le Nhu Ngoc, Mai The Vu & Sung Kyung Hong, Novel gain-tuning for sliding mode control of second-order mechanical systems: theory and experiments, Scientific Reports, 13, 1, 10541, 29 June 2023. (ISI, Q1)

11. Nguyen Xuan-Mung, Mehdi Golestani, Huu Tiep Nguyen, Ngoc Anh Nguyen, Afef Fekih, Output Feedback Control for Spacecraft Attitude System with Practical Predefined-Time Stability Based on Anti-Windup Compensator, Scientific Reports, 13, 1, 10541, March 2023. (ISI, Q1)

12. Sonu, Mohit Tyagi, Tarun Patel, Phan Quoc Vuong, P. S. Sarkar, and Hongjoo Kim, Discrimination of Fast and Thermal Neutrons Using a Novel Phoswich Detector of LaCl3 and LiI:Eu Single Crystal Scintillators, IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science, vol.70, no.7, july 2023. (ISI, Q2)

13.Duy Long Ta, Ser Gi Hong, Dae Sik Yook, A spent nuclear fuel source term calculation code BESNA with a new modified predictor-corrector scheme, Nuclear Engineering and Technology, Volume 54, Issue 12, December 2022. (ISI, Q2)

14. Van Khanh Hoang, Odmaa Sambuu, Jun Nishiyama & Toru Obara, Impact of the Melt-Refining Process on Performance of Sodium-Cooled Rotational Fuel Shuffling Breed-and-Burn Reactors, Nuclear Science and Engineering, Volume 197, 2023 - Issue 7, Jan 2023. (ISI, Q2)

15. Ha Lan AnhDang Duc Nhan, Tran Minh Quynh, Stable isotope signatures of deuterium, oxygen 18, and carbon 13 (δ2H, δ18O, δ13C) in imported apples available in the markets of Vietnam, Food Chemistry: X 17, 100576 (2023). (ISI, Q1)

16.  Vo Thi AnhHa Lan AnhMai Dinh KienVu HoaiDang Duc Nhan, and U. Saravana Kumar, Stream analysis for a sub-catchment of Red River (Vietnam) using isotopic technique and recursive digital filter method, J. Hydro-Environmental Research, Volume 52, January 2024, Pages 1-16. (ISI, Q2)

17.Bui Dac Dung, Duong Duc Thang, Doan Thuy Hau, Nguyen Huyen Trang, Le Dinh Cuong, Nguyen Van Khanh, Duong Van Thang, Pham Tuan Nam, Vuong Thu Bac, Nguyen Thi Thu Ha, Temporal trends of sediment accumulation in the Xuan Thuy Natural Wetland Reserve (Ba Lat coastal area of the Red River, Vietnam) and implications for future coastal wetland development, Wetlands Ecology and Management, volume 31, pages419-433 (2023). (ISI, Q2)

18.Blake Orr, Bui Dac Dung, et al., Experiences from the ARGOS user group nuclear emergency exercise, Journal of Environmental Radioactivity 270 (2023) 107298, Available online 3 October 2023. (ISI, Q2)

19. Van-Hao Duong, Duc-Thang Duong, et al., Radiological Hazard Assessment of High-Level Natural Radionuclides in Surface Sediments Along Red River, Vietnam, Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, volume 85, pages 302-313 (2023). (ISI, Q1)

20. Thi HangNguyen, Thi Thuy Linh Nguyen, Truong Chinh  Nguyen, Thuy Hau  Doan, Quang Huong Le, Quang Minh Bui, Thanh Son Le, Tien Duc Pham, Adsorption behavior of cationic surfactant onto aluminum hydroxide nanoparticles and application in lindane removal, Materials Today Communications, Volume 34, March 2023, 105266. (ISI, Q2)

21. Quang Tran Vuong, Vuong Thu Bac, Phan Quang Thang, Min-Kyu Park, Sung-Deuk Choi, Trace element characterization and source identification of particulate matter of different sizes in Hanoi, Vietnam, Urban Climate, Volume 48, March 2023, 101408. (ISI, Q1)

22. Hoang Giang Nguyen, Tien Thanh Pham, et al., Natural Cellulose Fiber-Derived Photothermal Aerogel for Efficient and Sustainable Solar Desalination, Langmuir 2023, 39, 19, 6780–6793. (ISI, Q1)

23. The Nghia Nguyen, Van Loat Bui, Van Hao Duong, Somsavath Leuangtakoun, Huu Duc Hoang, Duc Thang DuongNgoc Thiem Le, Dinh Khai Nguyen, Dinh Khoa Tran, Hoai Nam Tran, Distribution and characteristics of 137Cs in surface soil in the middle of Laos, Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, Vol. 332, 3661-3673 (2023). (ISI, Q3)

24. Phan Trong Phuc, Nguyen Thi Ngoc Hue, Pham Thi Hue, Tran Tuan Anh, Nguyen Khanh Trung Kien, Lo Thai Son, La Ly Nguyen, Tran Dong Xuan, Van-Phuc Dinh, Nguyen Hoang Long, Nguyen Van Tiep, Cao Dong Vu, Le Ngoc ThiemNgoc-Quynh Nguyen, Hoang Anh Tuan Kiet, Nguyen Quang Hung, Luu Anh Tuyen, Improved thermoluminescence dating for heterogeneous, multilayered, and overlapped architectures: A case study with the Oc Eo archaeological site in Vietnam, Journal of Archaeological Science, Vol. 155 (2023) 105800. (ISI, Q1)

25. Do Duc Chi, Tran Ngoc Toan, Robin Hill, A multi-detector comparison to determine convergence of measured relative output factors for small field dosimetry, Physical and Engineering Sciences in Medicine, published 9 November 2023. (ISI, Q2)

26. Luu Viet Dung, Nguyen Tai Tue, Pham Van Lam, Tran Dang Quy, Vo Minh Canh, Nguyen Duc Tam, Mai Trong Nhuan, Stable Isotopes (δ13C and δ15N) and Trace Elements of Invertebrates and Fish from the Coastal Waters of Ha Tinh Province, Central Vietnam, Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, 85 (3), 1-16, April 2023. (ISI, Q1)

27.Tran Thi Nhan, Youichirou Matuo, Yoshinobu Izumi, Maradi Abdillah, Lukas Wisnu Wicaksono, Vuong Thu Bac,Comparison of radiation protection effects between epigallocatechin gallate and ascorbic acid, Salud, Ciencia y Tecnología (2023). (SCOPUS)

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