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Lớp học về Khoa học Hạt nhân và Ứng dụng (Spring School on Nuclear Science and Its Applications - Hanoi, March 26-31, 2012)

Spring School on Nuclear Science and Its Applications (Hanoi, March 26-31, 2012)

The International School on Nuclear Science and Technology will be held in Hanoi (Vietnam) from Monday, March 26, to Saturday, March 31.
It is jointly organized by the Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute (VAEI), the Hanoi University of Natural Sciences (Vietnam National University Hanoi), and the Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules (IN2P3), and supported by the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) and the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST). It is an activity of the joint Vietnamese-French International Associate Laboratory (LIA FVPPL) program between CNRS and CEA of France and MOST of Vietnam.

Detail in PDF file

Organizing Committee
Dao Tien Khoa (Institute for Nuclear Science & Technology, VAEI), co-chair
Philippe Quentin (CENBG Bordeaux, Un. Bordeaux 1 and IN2P3/CNRS), co-chair
Pham Dinh Khang (Nuclear Education and Training Centre, VAEI) Ha Thuy Long (Faculty of physics, Hanoi University of Natural Sciences)
Patrick Aurenche (LAPTH, LIA FVPPL)

A) Nuclear Physics
1- Modern Nuclear Physics (experiment): Gilles de France (GANIL Caen)
+ two seminars by Pham Dinh Khang (VAEI) and Nguyen Tuan Khai (VAEI)
2- Modern Nuclear Physics (theory): Dao Tien Khoa (INST Hanoi) and Philippe Quentin (CENBG Bordeaux)

B) Accelerator Physics
1-A primer in Accelerator Physics: Bernard Launé (IPN Orsay and IN2P3 Paris)
2-Applications in Medicine, Biology and Material Sciences: Philippe Moretto (CENBG Bordeaux)

C) Nuclear Energy
1-Nuclear data for Reactor Physics: Olivier Litaize (CEA/DEN Cadarache)
2-Simulations of Nuclear Reactor Physics: Nguyen Kien Cuong (INR Dalat, VAEI)

A visit of some nuclear facilities in Hanoi will be scheduled

The lectures and seminars will take place in the Nguy Nhu Kon Tum Lecture Hall of the Vietnam National University Hanoi, 19 Le Thanh Tong, Hanoi, Vietnam

No participation fee will be perceived. A School Dinner will be organized probably on Wednesday evening (date to be confirmed)

Each lecture will last for one hour including time for questions/answers
Morning lectures will be given at 9.00, 10.15 and 11.45
Afternoon lectures will be given at 2.15, 3.30 and 5.00
No lectures on Wednesday and Saturday afternoons
The visit of nuclear facilities should be held on Wednesday afternoon

Tentative program:
MON C1 C2 A2* / A1 B2 B1
TUE B2 C1 C2 / B2 A2* B2
WED C1 B1 B2
THU A1 C2 B1 / C1 A2** S1
FRI B1 A2** C1 / C2 A1 S2
SAT C2 B1 A1
The numbering refers to the above list of topics (A2* and A2** referring respectively to the lectures of Professors Dao Tien Khoa and Philippe Quentin, S1 and S2 corresponding to the two seminars)

Those who are interested to attend the school are urged to inform the school organizers (ispun@vaec.gov.vn) and the Nuclear Education and Training Centre of VAEI (phamkhang@fpt.vn) with the following information:
Full name:
Male (Female):
Date and place of birth:
Latest degree of education and field of interest:
Present institutional address:

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