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Nghiên cứu các phương pháp tính toán sử dụng trong phân tích đặc tính vật lý của lò phản ứng điện

Project information:

- Managerial level: Ministry

- Fund allocation: 280,000,000 VND

- Duration: 12 months (From January to December, 2013)

- Contact email: ntkhai@iop.vast.ac.vn

       The project was assigned to Dr. Nguyen Tuan Khai, Institute for Nuclear Science and Technology (INST) and was conducted in close coordination with Nuclear Research Institute, Dalat (NRI) in 2013. The principal objective of this project resides in developing nuclear human resource and enhancing research capabilities of the young staff working at two units, namely Nuclear Energy Center, INST and Nuclear Reactor Center, NRI in power reactor physics and kinetics. The research contents designed by the project team were:

- Item 1: Examining the possibility of utilising several modern calculation methods and techniques for the analysis of reactor physical and kinetic characteristics, neutronics and thermal-hydraulics coupling. In order to help the researchers acquire a more thorough knowledge of physical phenomena of a power reactor, this research activity was performed with the cooperation of Prof. Le Trong Thuy, from San Jose State University, United States via scientific seminars;

- Item 2: Carrying out collaborative research and training activities between Nuclear Energy Center, INST and Nuclear Reactor Center, NRI;

- Item 3: Organising a two-week training course on nuclear reactor engineering in collaboration with Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) in 2013.

       The results of the project can be summarised as follows:

- In item 1, the project members have performed six scientific reports focusing on the calculation methods for neutron transport and neutronic characteristics in reactor core, including:

(1) Numerical methods for neutron transport research;

(2) Nuclear data edition for reactor physics calculations;

(3) Multi-group analysis in reactor core calculations of LWR;

(4) Multi-group diffusion theory and harmonic functions;

(5) Monte-Carlo simulation method for the analysis of neutron transport and diffusion;

(6) A calculation programme written for neutron transport in reactor core of PWR.   

- In item 2, the members have done four other scientific reports on the neutronic characteristics of HEU and LEU fuel assemblies, and neutronic-thermal hydraulic coupling calculations as follows:

(1) Analysis of the neutronic characteristics of the HEU (36%) and LEU (19.7%) fuel assemblies of VVR-M2 with the MCNP and SRAC codes;

(2) Analysis of the neutronic and thermal-hydraulic characteristics of the steady state of a PWR fuel assembly at the burn-up of 0 GWd/ton and 45 GWd/ton using MCNP and COBRA-EN;

(3) Analysis of the Main-Steam-Line-Break accidents in a VVER-1000 (AES-92) reactor by RELAP5;

(4) A series of practice assignments using PCTRAN for a nuclear reactor engineering course at INST in the framework of NUTECH programme between Vietnam Atomic Energy Institute (VINATOM) and JAEA.

- In item 3, the nuclear reactor engineering course (Follow-up Training Course) was held at INST as planned, for the first time in Northern Vietnam, in the framework of NUTECH programme. The JAEA dispatched three experts to participate in the course and deliver their lectures. The other instructors of the course were invited from VINATOM and Vietnam Agency for Radiation and Nuclear Safety (VARANS). More than 20 participants for the course were sent from organisations and universities concerning the national nuclear power programme. Participants who had successfully completed the course were awarded certificates. With the well-prepared lectures and active work performance of the participants, the course came to an end with high appreciation from the Japanese as well as Vietnamese experts.

       To sum up, the project has produced expected outcomes. Firstly, the ten scientific reports related to the three research items have been submitted. Secondly, the members of the project have written a paper entitled “Simulation for neutron transport in reactor moderator and proper thickness of light water reflector” and published in Nuclear Science and Technology Journal by VINATOM. Besides that publication, the research results were presented in a master thesis by a young researcher working at INST. Last but not least, the project staff have set up a calculation programme for neutron transport in reactor core of PWR.

       It can be seen from the results that the project made a scientific and practical contribution to the development of qualified personnel, the enhancement of the research capabilities of the young researchers and the stimulation of collaborative activities between the staff members working at the two above centers. In addition, the project satisfied the requirement for fostering international cooperation in in-depth research and in conducting training courses with the participation of experts from countries with state-of-the-art nuclear reactor technologies. This formed a sound basis for VINATOM to pursue a long-term strategy for nuclear power human resource development by establishing the qualified research groups at INST in terms of power reactor physics and kinetics analysis, occupying a crucial role in running the nuclear power programme in Vietnam. 


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