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Tóm tắt dự án KC-05

In November, 2009 the National Assembly of Vietnam approved the resolution on the first two nuclear power plant (NPP) projects, namely NinhThuan 1&2, with a total capacity of 2,000 MW for each. At present, the Vietnam Government has decided the foreign partner for the project NinhThuan 1 is Russian Federation and for NinhThuan 2 is Japan. For the project NinhThuan 1 the VVER-AES2006 reactor technology was proposed for selection and the plant site was decided at PhuocDinh village, Thuan Nam district, NinhThuan province. The technology selection for the project NinhThuan 2 is under consideration.   

       Radioactive releases from various nuclear facilities, in general, may contribute to radiation exposure through two main pathways: (1) External exposures by direct radiation from radioactive plumes or from radioactive nuclides deposited on the ground, and (2) Internal exposure due to inhalation and ingestion of radioactive substances. The magnitude of exposure depends on atmospheric dispersion and deposition processes.

       When going into operation, the NPP will release radioactive nuclides into the atmosphere. The radioactive effluent undergoing dispersion in air and deposition on ground will cause impact to the environment and human. Therefore, study on transport and dispersion of the radioactive substances in the atmosphere, and assessment for radiation dose to the publics are of essential requirement for an NPP project. In addition, the calculation results will provide the necessary data for the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) and support for regulatory organization in reviewing the Safety Analysis Report (SAR).

       A scientific project on ”Research for the Environmental Impact Assessment caused by the Radioactive Substances Released from NinhThuan 1 Nuclear Power Plant in Normal Operation and in Some Scenarios of Severe Accidents” in framework of the National Program on Science and Technology(KC-05) has been performed at Institute for Nuclear Science and Technology (INST) within three and half years from January 2012 to June 2015. The project concentrated in three main contents, consisting of (1) assessment of radiation safety for routine release from NinhThuan 1 NPP using software package NRCDose72 provided by US Nuclear Regulatory Commission; (2) Building scenarios of severe accidents based on the International Nuclear Event Scale (INES), assessing the released source terms and making map of radioactivity and dose distributions and as a result, proposing the emergency preparedness plan; (3) Human resource training in the field of radiation, nuclear safety and environmemtal impact assessment. The obtained results have been published in the international and domestic science and technology journals, and also reference book. As mentioned above, these are a good database for ourregulatory organization in reviewing the SAR. 

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